'DOMBasic' (PHP) - Library to create dynamic DOM elements.
Library: 'DOMBasic'.
Author: Juan José Guerra Haba - dinertron@gmail.com - 2014 January
License: Free BSD. & Open GPL v.3. Keep credit, please.
Versión: 1.0.0
File: DOM_element.php Main Class: DOM_element.php

dombasic-full@lists.osdn.me - dombasic-private@lists.osdn.me


PHP package to create dynamic DOM elements.
It follow the OOP paradigm, implemented SINGLETON patterns, magical methods, contains error control ('own exceptions'), chaining methods, optimized memory and resources, ...

More flexible and lighter than the native PHP. It allows you to create any document labeling: HTML, XHTML, XML, ... including any user-defined (this includes those who are yet to be implemented) that are based on hierarchies of tags, attributes and content; this You can be achieved simply by modifying the constants file specify, opening and closing tags and a couple of other modifications.

You can create complete websites that adhere to the standards validation of its structure. A tree harbor the only variable element created, this includes visible elements (BODY) and invisible (HEAD), static (HTML) and dynamic (SCRIPTS:. EG Javascript), elements and positioning structure (xHTML) or style (CSS) ...

Although there are other ways to achieve the same (text variables, other APIs, ...) This method is designed for flexibility and dynamism, performance and low resource consumption.
Once you understand the mechanism and its syntax, saving time and effort, errors are minimized and DOM construction and automated cleaner is achieved.
We all know the problems that can be generated when processing a Web page on the fly successive chaining 'Echo, print, ... " making sure that the headers are not sent in advance; these errors multiplied by a thousand if we use Frameworks or type CMS (Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal, ...)




  1. You do not require installation.

    Place the pakage in the desired route by which to call to instructions 'include' or 'require'.
    (obviously if it's in a compressed format before DECOMPRESS)
    We suggest creating a folder (for example DOM) and place it inside.